Friday, 15 March 2013

Question Two

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our two print products and film all correspond with each other according to various features like the themes, content, house style, imagery, tone / language.
Firstly according to the themes throughout the 3 main products they all have a comedy genre aspect to it. In the movie poster we used an image of him with a weird and funny face looking out of a window this would relate to the comedy theme. The font used for the title of the film 'Monty' in the movie poster is cartoonist and relates to a comedy genre. Similarly the image and the font used in the review also show the comedy theme. For the review we used a still image of him eating a biscuit, where bits of the biscuit came out of his mouth and we wanted to use this because it would suggest a comedy theme. Lastly there is also a comedy theme on the short film by the expressions and behavior of Monty the main character and also through other various scenes like when he gets slapped on the train or when he dances in the day dream. There is also a theme of love in our short film when he falls in love with the girl whom he meets on the train. And we show this love theme on the movie poster as well by having a day dream bubble coming out of the main images head with a hot pink background connoting love and lust. We also portrayed a love theme in the movie review by having a still image of him having a picnic with the girl whom he met on the train.

Secondly the house style is also the same throughout our three main products because of the font and colour schemes that we used are similar in all three products. For example in our movie poster the colour scheme is orange and black. We used this house style as it connoted a bubbly and comedy vibe so we decided to use this throughout all of our products.  We also used this font in our short film, when the title of the film is introduced during the first few seconds of the film; we used the same font and colour scheme. So there is a similar combination of the same style of text and its layout being played there. However in our review we wanted to make it different and classier. We wanted to make the film look professional and for this reason we tried using a more formal font in the review rather than the cartoonist font which we did in the movie poster and short film.

The content of the three main products is also similar they all consist of the main character being the main image of the film. Because the film is mostly about him and about the weird things he does we thought he should be the main attraction so this is why we kept him in the review and poster.

The imagery used is also the same in all three products because we wanted to use pictures that we would use in our products to be funny and give a short insight about what the film is about, and that after they look at the two print products they'll know it's something comedy based so for this reason we chose images that we thought were most funny in our film. In our movie poster we chose an image of him looking out the window and in our review we chose an image of him eating something in a strange way. This is the correspondence between both images they both consist of the main character making a fool out of himself, thus making it more obvious that our genre is comedy.  

The movie poster promotes the video product because firstly the colour scheme is really bright and would catch the reader's attention. The main image used is funny looking and unusual so the audience would want to know what the story is about. The poster is also laid out professionally and looks neat and tidy so this makes the film look classier. Our review acts as a promotional artifact because it grabs the reader's attention mainly through the main still image used this image is weird looking and the audience would want know what the film is all about. In relation to how we would promote this film further is by creating a movie trailer for the film so that we can grab the audience towards the film. We would also like to open up Monty toys and also clothes wear like T- shirts etc so that this could promote our main character and the film. We could open up a Monty cartoon series the way Mr Bean has so that this still promotes the actual film and by watching the cartoon unknown viewers would want to know what the real Monty is about so they'd want to watch the real film and this could help promote the film.

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